
Monday, January 6, 2014

Mission Letter Week 25 - 06 January 2014

Dear Family,

And now to email... :)   I like the change in the living room! looks nice :)

Sounds like you guys had a BLAST at the Koz Pad :D and I love the pics! THAT TUTTLE IS HUGE! :D Yes, I misspelled that on purples. I am loving the supreme goofiness! :D It's good to see friendly faces and people I love bunches! Including that very slobbery niece of mine. :D

So this week has been pretty great. Elder S’s parents sent him an iPod (mission approved one) with a bunch of BYU devotionals and talks from the Brethren on it. BEST COMP STUDY EVER! :D Haha. We have been listening to a lot of those (and some John Bytheway talks!!!), and I don't remember if I have told you guys this yet or not but I have a reaffirmation of a personal revelation of sorts I had a few weeks back. I feel that I know why I am here right now, on a mission, besides teaching and preaching, expounding, exhorting and inviting...and that is, the people I will be working with. Companions, missionary leaders, investigators, members, etc. I, very clearly, have a lot to learn from everyone, and I need a fair amount of humbling to do along the way. At least at this point in my mission THAT is my purpose, alongside the standard missionary purpose to "invite others to come unto Christ". So that was a nice relief. I felt like, for a while, there was something that I had to figure out that I hadn't yet. I had that understanding come to me during personal study and the weirdest thing is that what I was studying had nothing to do with anything like that. Funny how the Spirit works.

OH as a side note, I got some sturdy training shoes today at "BIG 5", a local sports and outdoors store. If you need me to return those for any reason just let me know. I got them because we go on hikes sometimes and when we do service projects it usually involves a lot of the deserty sand .____. LAME SAND. And the mesh on my Nikes just vacuum that stuff in. The ones I got are New Balance...but like I said, if you need me to return them, no big deal. (As his mother it gives me great pleasure to insert here that I counseled him to buy New Balance before his mission, which I’m sure he no longer remembers. So this last sentences brought a smile to my face! ;) )

I didn't write notes down for the letter you sent, mostly because I'm a mub (bum, backwards) so I apologize AGAIN. :D I'll make sure to do that this week as well. A lot of things seem to slip my mind these days when it isn't directly related to the work...maybe that's good...but not for emails. Ha!

I gotta go now, I love you guys! Thanks for being awesome and cool and awesome!! Tell everyone back home I love them and tell yourselves I love you guys more than anyone or anything on the entire planet Earth!


Elder 9

oh B T DUBS…….IT'S 2014!!!!!!! New Year’s Eve was super lame but I didn't expect much.......actually not true. We did have a 3 hr Nerf gun fight!   >:)  We had to be in by 6pm, so we started at like 630pm-ish - hahaha! It was glorious….kthxbai!

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